hpc05.profile module

hpc05.profile.add_lines_in_profile(profile, files_lines_dict)[source]
hpc05.profile.create_local_pbs_profile(profile='pbs', local_controller=False, custom_template=None)[source]

Creata a PBS profile for ipyparallel.

  • profile (str) – Profile name.

  • local_controller (bool) – Create a ipcontroller on a seperate node if True and locally if False.

  • custom_template (str) – A custom job script template, see the example below.


By default no memory is specified, using the following custom_template allows you to request a certain amount of memory.

import hpc05
import sys
custom_template = f'''\
    #PBS -t 1-{{n}}
    #PBS -V
    #PBS -N ipengine
    #PBS -l mem=15GB
    {sys.executable} -m ipyparallel.engine --profile-dir="{{profile_dir}}" --cluster-id=""
hpc05.profile.create_local_slurm_profile(profile='slurm', local_controller=False, custom_template=None)[source]

Creata a SLURM profile for ipyparallel.

  • profile (str) – Profile name.

  • local_controller (bool) – Create a ipcontroller on a seperate node if True and locally if False.

  • custom_template (str) – A custom job script template, see the example below.


By default no memory is specified, using the following custom_template allows you to request a certain amount of memory.

import hpc05
custom_template = '''\
    #SBATCH --ntasks={n}
    #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4G
    #SBATCH --job-name=ipy-engine-
    srun ipengine --profile-dir='{profile_dir}' --cluster-id=''
hpc05.create_local_pbs_profile('pbs', False, custom_template)
hpc05.profile.create_remote_pbs_profile(hostname='hpc05', username=None, password=None, profile='pbs', local_controller=False, custom_template=None)[source]
hpc05.profile.create_remote_slurm_profile(hostname='hpc05', username=None, password=None, profile='slurm', local_controller=False, custom_template=None)[source]
hpc05.profile.line_prepender(filename, line)[source]