Source code for hpc05.profile

import contextlib
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import textwrap

from IPython.paths import locate_profile

import hpc05_monitor
from hpc05.ssh_utils import setup_ssh

# XXX: 2018-09-24: I used to add
# '': "c.HeartMonitor.period = 90000"
# but for some unknown reason the connection time went from
# ~10 s to 180 s.

    "": [
        "c.HubFactory.ip = u'*'",
        "c.HubFactory.registration_timeout = 600",
    "": [
        "c.IPEngineApp.wait_for_url_file = 300",
        "c.EngineFactory.timeout = 300",
        "c.IPEngineApp.startup_command = 'import os, sys'",
        "c.IPClusterStart.log_level = 'DEBUG'",
        f"c.IPEngineApp.startup_script = '{hpc05_monitor.__file__}'",

[docs]def line_prepender(filename, line): if isinstance(line, list): line = "\n".join(line) with open(filename, "r") as f: content = with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(line + "\n" + content)
[docs]def add_lines_in_profile(profile, files_lines_dict): for fname, line in files_lines_dict.items(): fname = os.path.join(locate_profile(profile), fname) line_prepender(fname, line)
def _remove_parallel_profile(profile): with contextlib.suppress(FileNotFoundError): path = os.path.expanduser(f"~/.ipython/profile_{profile}") shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True) def _create_parallel_profile(profile): _remove_parallel_profile(profile) cmd = [ sys.executable, "-E", "-c", "from IPython import start_ipython; start_ipython()", "profile", "create", profile, "--parallel", ] subprocess.check_call(cmd)
[docs]def create_local_pbs_profile( profile="pbs", local_controller=False, custom_template=None ): """Creata a PBS profile for ipyparallel. Parameters ---------- profile : str Profile name. local_controller : bool Create a ipcontroller on a seperate node if True and locally if False. custom_template : str A custom job script template, see the example below. Examples -------- By default no memory is specified, using the following `custom_template` allows you to request a certain amount of memory. .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python import hpc05 import sys custom_template = f'''\\ #!/bin/sh #PBS -t 1-{{n}} #PBS -V #PBS -N ipengine #PBS -l mem=15GB {sys.executable} -m ipyparallel.engine --profile-dir="{{profile_dir}}" --cluster-id="" ''' hpc05.create_local_pbs_profile('pbs_15GB', local_controller=False, custom_template=custom_template) """ _create_parallel_profile(profile) default_template = f"""\ #!/bin/sh #PBS -t 1-{{n}} #PBS -V #PBS -N ipengine {sys.executable} -m ipyparallel.engine --profile-dir="{{profile_dir}}" --cluster-id="" """ template = textwrap.dedent(custom_template or default_template) ipcluster = [ "c.IPClusterEngines.engine_launcher_class = 'PBSEngineSetLauncher'", f'c.PBSEngineSetLauncher.batch_template = """{template}"""', ] if not local_controller: ipcluster.append( "c.IPClusterStart.controller_launcher_class = 'PBSControllerLauncher'" ) files_lines_dict = {"": ipcluster, **DEFAULTS} add_lines_in_profile(profile, files_lines_dict) print(f"Succesfully created a new {profile} profile.") print( "WARNING: the ipengines of this profile will ALWAYS use this" f" environment! ({sys.executable})" )
[docs]def create_local_slurm_profile( profile="slurm", local_controller=False, custom_template=None ): """Creata a SLURM profile for ipyparallel. Parameters ---------- profile : str Profile name. local_controller : bool Create a ipcontroller on a seperate node if True and locally if False. custom_template : str A custom job script template, see the example below. Examples -------- By default no memory is specified, using the following `custom_template` allows you to request a certain amount of memory. .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python import hpc05 custom_template = '''\\ #!/bin/sh #SBATCH --ntasks={n} #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4G #SBATCH --job-name=ipy-engine- srun ipengine --profile-dir='{profile_dir}' --cluster-id='' ''' hpc05.create_local_pbs_profile('pbs', False, custom_template) """ _create_parallel_profile(profile) default_template = """\ #!/bin/sh #SBATCH --ntasks={n} #SBATCH --job-name=ipy-engine- srun ipengine --profile-dir='{profile_dir}' --cluster-id='' """ template = textwrap.dedent(custom_template or default_template) ipcluster = [ "c.IPClusterEngines.engine_launcher_class = 'SlurmEngineSetLauncher'", f'c.SlurmEngineSetLauncher.batch_template = """{template}"""', ] if not local_controller: ipcluster.append( "c.IPClusterStart.controller_launcher_class = 'SlurmControllerLauncher'" ) files_lines_dict = {"": ipcluster, **DEFAULTS} add_lines_in_profile(profile, files_lines_dict) print(f"Succesfully created a new {profile} profile.") print( "WARNING: the ipengines of this profile will ALWAYS use this" f" environment! ({sys.executable})" )
def _create_remote_profile( hostname="hpc05", username=None, password=None, profile="pbs", local_controller=False, custom_template=None, batch_type="pbs", ): assert batch_type in ("pbs", "slurm") if custom_template is not None: raise NotImplementedError( f"Use `create_local_{batch_type}_profile` on the" " cluster locally or implement this function." ) with setup_ssh(hostname, username, password) as ssh: cmd = f'import hpc05; hpc05.create_local_{batch_type}_profile("{profile}", {local_controller})' cmd = f"python -c '{cmd}'" stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(cmd, get_pty=True) out, err = stdout.readlines(), stderr.readlines() for lines in [out, err]: for line in lines: print(line.rstrip("\n"))
[docs]def create_remote_pbs_profile( hostname="hpc05", username=None, password=None, profile="pbs", local_controller=False, custom_template=None, ): _create_remote_profile( hostname, username, password, profile, local_controller, custom_template, batch_type="pbs", )
[docs]def create_remote_slurm_profile( hostname="hpc05", username=None, password=None, profile="slurm", local_controller=False, custom_template=None, ): _create_remote_profile( hostname, username, password, profile, local_controller, custom_template, batch_type="slurm", )