Source code for hpc05.utils

import socket
import subprocess
import sys

from hpc05.ssh_utils import setup_ssh


[docs]def on_hostname(hostname="hpc05"): return socket.gethostname() == hostname
[docs]def bash(cmd): # return f'/bin/bash -i -c "{cmd}"'
[docs]def get_local_env(env=None): # XXX: improve this function and pass all argmuments! if env is None: env = sys.exec_prefix.split("/")[-1] # conda environment name cmd = f"conda list --export -n {env}".split() local_env = subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode("utf-8") local_env = [ line for line in local_env.split("\n") if not line.startswith("# ") and line != "" ] return local_env
[docs]def get_remote_env(env=None): # XXX: improve this function and pass all argmuments! with setup_ssh() as ssh: cmd = "conda list --export" if env: cmd += f" -n {env}" stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(cmd, get_pty=True) remote_env = [ l[:-1].rstrip("\r") for l in stdout.readlines() if not l.startswith("# ") ] return remote_env
[docs]def check_difference_in_envs(local_env_name=None, remote_env_name=None): # XXX: improve this function and pass all argmuments! """Only works when setting the Python env in your ``~/.bash_rc`` on the remote machine.""" local_env = get_local_env(local_env_name) remote_env = get_remote_env(remote_env_name) not_on_remote = set(remote_env) - set(local_env) not_on_local = set(local_env) - set(remote_env) not_on_remote = [p + " is installed on remote machine" for p in not_on_remote] not_on_local = [p + " is installed on local machine" for p in not_on_local] def diff(first, second): second = [package.split("=")[0] for i, package in enumerate(second)] return sorted([v for v in first if v.split("=")[0] not in second]) return { "missing_packages_on_remote": diff(not_on_local, not_on_remote), "missing_packages_on_local": diff(not_on_remote, not_on_local), "mismatches": sorted(not_on_local + not_on_remote), }