Source code for hpc05.connect

from contextlib import suppress
import glob
import os.path
import subprocess
import time

from ipyparallel.error import NoEnginesRegistered

from hpc05.client import Client
from hpc05.ssh_utils import setup_ssh
from hpc05.utils import print_same_line


[docs]def watch_file(fname): fp = open(fname, "r") while True: new = fp.readline() # Once all lines are read this just returns '' # until the file changes and a new line appears if new: yield new.strip() else: time.sleep(0.01)
[docs]def watch_stdout(stdout): text_iter = iter(stdout.readline, b"") while True: lines = [ l.strip() for l in next(text_iter).replace("\r", "\n").strip().split("\n") ] for line in lines: if line: yield line
[docs]def wait_for_succesful_start(log_file, timeout=300): t_start = time.time() watch = watch_file if isinstance(log_file, str) else watch_stdout for line in watch(log_file): print(line) if VERBOSE else print_same_line(line) if "Engines appear to have started successfully" in line: break if "Cluster is already running with" in line: # Currently not working! raise Exception( "Failed to start a ipcluster because a cluster is " "already running, run " "`hpc05.kill_remote_ipcluster()`." ) if time.time() - t_start > timeout: raise Exception(f"Failed to start a ipcluster in {timeout} seconds.") time.sleep(0.01) msg = 'The log-file reports "Engines appear to have started successfully".' print_same_line(msg, new_line_end=True)
[docs]def start_ipcluster(n, profile, env_path=None, timeout=300): """Start an `ipcluster` locally. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of engines to be started. profile : str, default 'pbs' Profile name of IPython profile. env_path : str, default=None Path of the Python environment, '/path/to/ENV/' if Python is in /path/to/ENV/bin/python. Examples '~/miniconda3/envs/dev/', 'miniconda3/envs/dev', '~/miniconda3'. Defaults to the environment that is sourced in `.bashrc` or `.bash_profile`. timeout : int Time limit after which the connection attempt is cancelled. Returns ------- None """ log_file_pattern = os.path.expanduser( f"~/.ipython/profile_{profile}/log/ipcluster-*.log" ) for f in glob.glob(log_file_pattern): # Remove old log files. os.remove(f) pid_pattern = os.path.expanduser(f"~/.ipython/profile_{profile}/pid/*") for f in glob.glob(pid_pattern): # Remove old pid files. os.remove(f) ipcluster = "ipcluster" if env_path: ipcluster = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(env_path), "bin", ipcluster) print(f"Launching {n} engines in a ipcluster.") cmd = f"{ipcluster} start --profile={profile} --n={n} --log-to-file --daemon &" # For an unknown reason `subprocess.Popen(cmd.split())` doesn't work when # running `start_remote_ipcluster` and connecting to it, so we use os.system. os.system(cmd + ("> /dev/null 2>&1" if not VERBOSE else "")) for i in range(timeout): print_same_line(f"Waiting for {i} seconds for the log-file.") time.sleep(1) # We wait a bit since we need the log file to exist # We don't PIPE stdout of the process above because we need a detached # process so we tail the log file. with suppress(IndexError): log_file = glob.glob(log_file_pattern)[0] break print(f"Found the log-file ({log_file}) in {i} seconds.") wait_for_succesful_start(log_file, timeout=timeout)
[docs]def start_remote_ipcluster( n, profile="pbs", hostname="hpc05", username=None, password=None, env_path=None, timeout=300, ): """Starts an `ipcluster` over ssh on `hostname` and wait untill it's successfully started. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of engines to be started. profile : str, default 'pbs' Profile name of IPython profile. hostname : str Hostname of machine where the ipcluster runs. username : str Username to log into `hostname`. If not provided, it tries to look it up in your `.ssh/config`. password : str Password for `ssh username@hostname`. env_path : str, default=None Path of the Python environment, '/path/to/ENV/' if Python is in `/path/to/ENV/bin/python`. Examples '~/miniconda3/envs/dev/', 'miniconda3/envs/dev', '~/miniconda3'. Defaults to the environment that is sourced in `.bashrc` or `.bash_profile`. timeout : int Time for which we try to connect to get all the engines. Returns ------- None """ if env_path is None: env_path = "" python_exec = "python" else: python_exec = os.path.join(env_path, "bin", "python") with setup_ssh(hostname, username, password) as ssh: cmd = f"import hpc05; hpc05.start_ipcluster({n}, '{profile}', '{env_path}', {timeout})" cmd = f'{python_exec} -c "{cmd}"' stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(cmd, get_pty=True) wait_for_succesful_start(stdout, timeout=timeout)
[docs]def connect_ipcluster( n, profile="pbs", hostname="hpc05", username=None, password=None, culler=True, culler_args=None, env_path=None, local=True, timeout=300, folder=None, client_kwargs=None, ): """Connect to an `ipcluster` on the cluster headnode. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of engines to be started. profile : str, default 'pbs' Profile name of IPython profile. hostname : str Hostname of machine where the ipcluster runs. If connecting via the headnode use: `socket.gethostname()` or set `local=True`. username : str Username to log into `hostname`. If not provided, it tries to look it up in your `.ssh/config`. password : str Password for `ssh username@hostname`. culler : bool Controls starting of the culler. Default: True. culler_args : str Add arguments to the culler. e.g. '--timeout=200' env_path : str, default: None Path of the Python environment, '/path/to/ENV/' if Python is in /path/to/ENV/bin/python. Examples '~/miniconda3/envs/dev/', 'miniconda3/envs/dev', '~/miniconda3'. Defaults to the environment that is sourced in `.bashrc` or `.bash_profile`. local : bool, default: True Connect to the client locally or over ssh. Set it False if a connection over ssh is needed. timeout : int Time for which we try to connect to get all the engines. folder : str, optional Folder that is added to the path of the engines, e.g. "~/Work/my_current_project". client_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that are passed to `hpc05.Client()`. Returns ------- client : ipython.Client object An IPyparallel client. dview : ipyparallel.client.view.DirectView object Direct view, equivalent to `client[:]`. lview : ipyparallel.client.view.LoadBalancedView LoadedBalancedView, equivalent to `client.load_balanced_view()`. """ client = Client( profile=profile, hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, culler=culler, culler_args=culler_args, env_path=env_path, local=local, timeout=timeout, **(client_kwargs or {}), ) print("Connected to the `ipcluster` using an `ipyparallel.Client`.") t_start = time.time() done = False n_engines_old = 0 while not done: n_engines = len(client) done = n_engines >= n with suppress(NoEnginesRegistered): # This can happen, we just need to wait a little longer. dview = client[:] t = int(time.time() - t_start) msg = f"Connected to {n_engines} out of {n} engines after {t} seconds." print_same_line(msg, new_line_end=(n_engines_old != n_engines)) if t > timeout: raise Exception( f"Not all ({n_engines}/{n}) connected after {timeout} seconds." ) n_engines_old = n_engines time.sleep(1) dview.use_dill() lview = client.load_balanced_view() if folder is not None: print(f"Adding {folder} to path.") cmd = f"import sys, os; sys.path.append(os.path.expanduser('{folder}'))" dview.execute(cmd).result() return client, dview, lview
[docs]def start_and_connect( n, profile="pbs", hostname="hpc05", culler=True, culler_args=None, env_path=None, local=True, timeout=300, folder=None, client_kwargs=None, kill_old_ipcluster=True, ): """Start an `ipcluster` locally and connect to it. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of engines to be started. profile : str, default 'pbs' Profile name of IPython profile. hostname : str Hostname of machine where the ipcluster runs. If connecting via the headnode use: `socket.gethostname()` or set `local=True`. culler : bool Controls starting of the culler. Default: True. culler_args : str Add arguments to the culler. e.g. '--timeout=200' env_path : str, default: None Path of the Python environment, '/path/to/ENV/' if Python is in /path/to/ENV/bin/python. Examples '~/miniconda3/envs/dev/', 'miniconda3/envs/dev', '~/miniconda3'. Defaults to the environment that is sourced in `.bashrc` or `.bash_profile`. local : bool, default: True Connect to the client locally or over ssh. Set it False if a connection over ssh is needed. timeout : int Time for which we try to connect to get all the engines. folder : str, optional Folder that is added to the path of the engines, e.g. "~/Work/my_current_project". client_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that are passed to `hpc05.Client()`. kill_old_ipcluster : bool If True, it cleansup any old instances of `ipcluster` and kills your jobs in qstat or squeue. Returns ------- client : ipython.Client object An IPyparallel client. dview : ipyparallel.client.view.DirectView object Direct view, equivalent to `client[:]`. lview : ipyparallel.client.view.LoadBalancedView LoadedBalancedView, equivalent to `client.load_balanced_view()`. """ if kill_old_ipcluster: kill_ipcluster(profile) print("Killed old intances of ipcluster.") start_ipcluster(n, profile, env_path, timeout) # all arguments for `connect_ipcluster` except `username` and `password`. return connect_ipcluster( n, profile=profile, hostname=hostname, culler=culler, culler_args=culler_args, env_path=env_path, local=local, timeout=timeout, folder=folder, client_kwargs=client_kwargs, )
[docs]def start_remote_and_connect( n, profile="pbs", hostname="hpc05", username=None, password=None, culler=True, culler_args=None, env_path=None, timeout=300, folder=None, client_kwargs=None, kill_old_ipcluster=True, ): """Start a remote `ipcluster` on `hostname` and connect to it. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of engines to be started. profile : str, default 'pbs' Profile name of IPython profile. hostname : str Hostname of machine where the ipcluster runs. If connecting via the headnode use: `socket.gethostname()` or set `local=True`. username : str Username to log into `hostname`. If not provided, it tries to look it up in your `.ssh/config`. password : str Password for `ssh username@hostname`. culler : bool Controls starting of the culler. Default: True. culler_args : str Add arguments to the culler. e.g. '--timeout=200' env_path : str, default: None Path of the Python environment, '/path/to/ENV/' if Python is in /path/to/ENV/bin/python. Examples '~/miniconda3/envs/dev/', 'miniconda3/envs/dev', '~/miniconda3'. Defaults to the environment that is sourced in `.bashrc` or `.bash_profile`. timeout : int Time for which we try to connect to get all the engines. folder : str, optional Folder that is added to the path of the engines, e.g. "~/Work/my_current_project". client_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that are passed to `hpc05.Client()`. kill_old_ipcluster : bool If True, it cleansup any old instances of `ipcluster` and kills your jobs in qstat or squeue. Returns ------- client : ipython.Client object An IPyparallel client. dview : ipyparallel.client.view.DirectView object Direct view, equivalent to `client[:]`. lview : ipyparallel.client.view.LoadBalancedView LoadedBalancedView, equivalent to `client.load_balanced_view()`. """ if kill_old_ipcluster: kill_remote_ipcluster(hostname, username, password, env_path) print("Killed old intances of ipcluster.") start_remote_ipcluster(n, profile, hostname, username, password, env_path, timeout) time.sleep(2) # all arguments for `connect_ipcluster` except `local`. return connect_ipcluster( n, profile=profile, hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, culler=culler, culler_args=culler_args, env_path=env_path, local=False, timeout=timeout, folder=folder, client_kwargs=client_kwargs, )
[docs]def kill_ipcluster(name=None): """Kill your ipcluster and cleanup the files. This should do the same as the following bash function (recommended: add this in your `.bash_profile` / `.bashrc`): ```bash del() { qselect -u $USER | xargs qdel rm -f *.hpc05.hpc* ipengine* ipcontroller* pbs_* pkill -f hpc05_culler 2> /dev/null pkill -f ipcluster 2> /dev/null pkill -f ipengine 2> /dev/null pkill -f ipyparallel.controller 2> /dev/null pkill -f ipyparallel.engines 2> /dev/null } ``` """ clean_up_cmds = [ "qselect -u $USER | xargs qdel", "rm -f *.hpc05.hpc* ipengine* ipcontroller* pbs_*", "pkill -f hpc05_culler", "pkill -f ipcluster", "pkill -f ipengine", "pkill -f ipyparallel.controller", "pkill -f ipyparallel.engines", "scancel --name='ipy-engine-' --user=$USER", # SLURM "scancel --name='ipy-controller-' --user=$USER", # SLURM ] if name is not None: clean_up_cmds.append(f"scancel --name='{name}' --user=$USER") clean_up_cmds = [cmd + " 2> /dev/null" for cmd in clean_up_cmds] for cmd in clean_up_cmds: process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) process.wait()
[docs]def kill_remote_ipcluster( hostname="hpc05", username=None, password=None, env_path=None ): """Kill your remote ipcluster and cleanup the files. This should do the same as the following bash function (recommended: add this in your `.bash_profile` / `.bashrc`): ```bash del() { qselect -u $USER | xargs qdel rm -f *.hpc05.hpc* ipengine* ipcontroller* pbs_* pkill -f hpc05_culler 2> /dev/null pkill -f ipcluster 2> /dev/null pkill -f ipengine 2> /dev/null pkill -f ipyparallel.controller 2> /dev/null pkill -f ipyparallel.engines 2> /dev/null } ``` """ if env_path is None: env_path = "" python_exec = "python" else: python_exec = os.path.join(env_path, "bin", "python") with setup_ssh(hostname, username, password) as ssh: cmd = f"import hpc05; hpc05.connect.kill_ipcluster()" cmd = f'{python_exec} -c "{cmd}"' stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(cmd, get_pty=True) with suppress(Exception): lines = stdout.readlines() for line in lines: print(line)