Source code for hpc05.client

import json
import os
import subprocess
import tempfile
import time
from contextlib import suppress

import ipyparallel
import zmq.ssh

from hpc05.ssh_utils import setup_ssh
from hpc05.utils import bash, on_hostname, print_same_line

import logging


[docs]def get_culler_cmd(profile="pbs", env_path=None, culler_args=None): python = "python" if env_path: python = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(env_path), "bin", python) if culler_args is None: culler_args = "" cmd = ( f"nohup {python} -m hpc05_culler --logging=debug " f"--profile={profile} --log_file_prefix=culler.log {culler_args} &" ) return bash(cmd)
[docs]class Client(ipyparallel.Client): """Return an `ipyparallel.Client` and connect to a remote `ipcluster` over ssh if `local=False` and start the engine culler. Parameters ---------- profile : str profile name, default is 'pbs' which results in the folder `~/.ipython/profile_pbs`. hostname : str Hostname of machine where the ipcluster runs. If connecting via the headnode use: `socket.gethostname()` or set `local=True`. username : str Username to log into `hostname`. If not provided, it tries to look it up in your `.ssh/config`. password : str password for `ssh username@hostname`. culler : bool Controls starting of the culler. Default: True. culler_args : str Add arguments to the culler. e.g. '--timeout=200' env_path : str, default: None Path of the Python environment, '/path/to/ENV/' if Python is in /path/to/ENV/bin/python. Examples '~/miniconda3/envs/dev/', 'miniconda3/envs/dev', '~/miniconda3'. Defaults to the environment that is sourced in `.bashrc` or `.bash_profile`. local : bool, default: False Connect to the client locally or over ssh. Set it False if a connection over ssh is needed. Attributes ---------- json_filename : str file name of tmp local json file with connection details. tunnel : pexpect.spawn object ssh tunnel for making connection to the hpc05. Notes ----- You need a profile with PBS (or SLURM) settings in your `.ipython` folder on the cluster. You can generate this by running: hpc05.create_remote_pbs_profile(username, hostname) Then setup a ipcluster on the hpc05 by starting a `screen` and running `ipcluster start --n=10 --profile=pbs`. """ def __init__( self, profile="pbs", hostname="hpc05", username=None, password=None, culler=True, culler_args=None, env_path=None, local=False, *args, **kwargs, ): culler_cmd = get_culler_cmd(profile, env_path, culler_args=culler_args) if local or on_hostname(hostname): # Don't connect over ssh if this is run on hostname. if culler: subprocess.Popen( culler_cmd, shell=True, stdout=open("/dev/null", "w"), stderr=open("logfile.log", "a"), ) super().__init__(profile=profile, *args, **kwargs) else: import pexpect json_file, self.json_filename = tempfile.mkstemp() # Create temporary file os.close(json_file) # Try to get the json 10 times. remote_json = ( fr".ipython/profile_{profile}/security/ipcontroller-client.json" ) print_same_line(f"Trying to copy over {remote_json}.") for i in range(10): print_same_line(f"Trying to copy over {remote_json}. Attempt: {i}/10.") with setup_ssh(hostname, username, password) as ssh: with suppress(FileNotFoundError), ssh.open_sftp() as sftp: sftp.chdir(os.path.dirname(remote_json)) sftp.get(os.path.basename(remote_json), self.json_filename) break if i == 9: raise FileNotFoundError( f'Could not copy the json file: "{remote_json}" of the pbs ' "cluster. This could have several reasons, most likely it is " "because the `ipcluster` probably is not running or " "you have no `profile_pbs`, create with " "`hpc05.profile.create_remote_pbs_profile()`." ) time.sleep(1) print_same_line( f"Copied over {remote_json} in {i+1} attempt.", new_line_end=True ) # Read the json file with open(self.json_filename) as json_file: json_data = json.load(json_file) keys = ("control", "iopub", "mux", "notification", "registration", "task") local_json_data = json_data.copy() local_json_data["location"] = "localhost" # Select six random ports for the local machine local_ports = zmq.ssh.tunnel.select_random_ports(6) for port, key in zip(local_ports, keys): local_json_data[key] = port # Replace remote ports by local ports with open(self.json_filename, "w") as json_file: json.dump(local_json_data, json_file) ips = [ "{}:{}:{} ".format( local_json_data[key], json_data["location"], json_data[key] ) for key in keys ] ssh_forward_cmd = ( "ssh -o ConnectTimeout=10 -N -L " + "-L ".join(ips) + hostname ) self.tunnel = pexpect.spawn(ssh_forward_cmd) self.tunnel.expect( [pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF, "[Pp]assword", "passphrase"], timeout=6 ) if culler: # Using `with setup_ssh` here results in the culler not being started. ssh = setup_ssh(hostname, username, password) ssh.exec_command(culler_cmd, get_pty=True) super().__init__(self.json_filename, *args, **kwargs) if not on_hostname(hostname): def __del__(self): if self.tunnel: self.tunnel.close()